Personal Information

for color

for color

I am bringing:


1) Fruits, plants, cut flowers, vegetable, soil, meat, live animals and organisms, honey, wildlife products, plant material, food, animal products or live birds.

2) Pharmaceuticals, chemicals, narcotics and other illicit drugs or biological substances

3) Illicit drugs or narcotics.

4) Radioactive or nuclear substances.

5) Arms, ammunitions, explosives, fireworks, toy guns or other weapons

6) I am / we are carrying currency or monetary instruments over U$$10,000 or equivalent

7) I have goods exceeding the value of my (our) personal duty-free allowance

8) I have gifts or articles for resale

If you are in doubt (Declare all your goods to the customs officer)

*Value should be the price paid or payable in the country of purchase

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